Thanksgiving in San Luis obispo

Enjoy a special chef-prepared, prix-fixe menu at Luna Red in the heart of San Luis Obispo.

This prix fixe will be $60 per person, or $55 for the vegan menu. See below for our menu.

At the time of booking, you will pre-select the entrée & dessert course for each of your guests. This is for us to best plan and prepare for the day. If you choose one item, and change your mind on Thanksgiving Day, we will do our best to accommodate that change of heart! 

Our menu was written to accommodate a number of dietary preference and allergies. Requests to share the menu or to make modifications or substitutions will be politely declined. 

In order to keep everyone's celebration running on time, we have a 2 hours table max at the table for all parties. 

Booking & Cancellation

We are collecting a credit card at the time of booking to guarantee your reservation.

Should your plans change, we ask for a 48 hour heads up.

Any reduction in your guests count or cancellation within 48 hours of your reservation will result in a $25 per person cancellation fee.

In short, please do your best to communicate with us when you know your plans are shifting. We want to be able to best prepare our team to manage the workload of this holiday, and have the opportunity to rebook a table if your plans change.

We will not charge your credit card for anything at the time of making the reservation.

Thank you for your understanding!


Meet chef de cuisine Javier


Meet Chef John Pilling